Me Made May ’14
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It’s the beginning of Me Made May 2014, a challenge put on each year by ‘So Zo… What do you know?‘ to wear more self-made garments. I’ve enjoyed seeing other bloggers posts in previous years and I’ve been determined to participate this year, so here’s my pledge:
‘I, Helen, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’14. I endeavour to wear two me-made or me-refashioned garments each day for the duration of May 2014 and document the process. I’d especially like to focus on wearing garments that seldom make it out of the closet and on identifying holes in my home-sewn wardrobe.’
Here’s my outfit for May 1st. I’m wearing three Me-Made garments. The first is the skirt. I made this three years ago from a dirndl-style skirt from Urban Outfitters. It’s usually in heavy rotation in fall and winter because it looks good with tights.
My second garment is my finished April garment for the Sewing Double challenge from the Monthly Stitch. I polled your opinions in my last post about how to pep up this particularly blasé shirt you answered almost unanimously that I should add scalloped trim. So of course I did.
It looks much better! I added the scalloped pink ultrasuede to the hem first, and after I sewed it on I had to trim it shorter. When I saw the leftover scraps from trimming, I liked them so much that I used them across the chest.
I meant to buy some chunky jewelry to complete the outfit, but I forgot and the shops are closed because today’s a holiday. So instead, I made some matching ultrasuede earrings using a covered button kit. Me-Made item number three!
A little bit of color has really saved this blouse from being a wadder. Thanks for your help deciding how to save it! See you tomorrow.
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