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Me Made Midweek: a paisley dress with 50s flair

Today I’m wearing another dress I sewed in high school for Me Made Midweek. In fact, distinctly remember hemming it in Biology class. Why my teacher put up with that I’ll never know… in honor of that, today I’ll pretend that I’m off to school. I had almost forgotten about this dress, but I was looking for something out of the ordinary to spice up my Me Made Midweek, and I remembered it was in…

Me Made Midweek: A black & white seventies sundress

Styling brown and black together in an outfit

This sundress is one of the oldest pieces of clothing I’ve made that I still wear regularly. I made it when I was about 14 or 15, so it’s about ten years old. It’s made from a pattern from the seventies that my mother got in a big box of old patterns for five dollars. After I made the dress, we figured out that my grandmother had made my mother a dress from the same pattern when she was a teenager…

Me Made Midweek… or Monday. whatever.

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I dropped the ball last Wednesday, so I hope you can live with a belated Me Made Midweek! I picked up this blouse and skirt a few months ago at a thrift shop. I liked the fabric of the blouse, but almost nothing else about it, so I completely refashioned it. The skirt was pretty but wouldn’t fit over my hips, so I made it larger. Being able to sew makes thrift shop success so much more easily…

Quick scarf with hearts

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I ran across this scarf tutorial and pattern at Grosgrain Fabulous’s blog. I was in the mood to whip up something quickly, so I dove right in. Well, it didn’t whip. I think I made every possible mistake, from forgetting to uncheck “scale to fit” before printing, to cutting a hole in it as I was trimming after the last step. Nevertheless, it came out cute and will be getting plenty of use this winter. Making…

Adorable apron

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Sewweekly’s apron week is barely behind us, and I stumble on this amazing apron today. I wish I were this creative. I also took a look at her shop and the Dr. Who aprons are a.dor.a.ble. Speaking of Sewweekly, I made an apron for the apron challenge, but then I flaked out about getting a picture taken of it and so I didn’t post. I have a very reluctant photographer, but I’ll have to get better about…

Refashioning a vest: hand-sewing, hand-sewing, hand-sewing

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You’ve probably been wondering what’s been going on with my efforts in refashioning a vest. A lot of hand-sewing has been going on, that’s what. I sort of went to town with handsewing, and it was probably a bit of more than necessary. I was sort of making it up as I went a long because I wanted my bound buttonhole to also have raw edges, which means it was constructed a bit differently than…

The right way to cut out a pattern

Have you ever wondered, while cutting out a pattern, where exactly you should cut on that fat cutting line in order to get the most accurate fit? Do you aim for the center of the line? Well, that line is a border around the pattern, and is not actually part of it. Which means that to get the most accurate fit, you need to cut off that line completely. Completely! Otherwise, your pieces will be a smidgeon larger than they should…

Me Made Midweek: Refashioning a skirt

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I’d like to kick off my first “Me Made Midweek” by showing you this skirt I last spring. It was inspired by the Circle Skirt Sew-Along at Elegant Musings’ blog. I decided this was a good opportunity for refashioning a skirt I had from junior high. It was a low-rise trumpet skirt (so cool in 2002!). Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough fabric to get a full circle out if it, but I did make it as full as possible…

Me made ____________

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You’ve probably heard of “Me Made May”, where sewists challenge themselves to wear there own creations for the entire month and post their outfits. Well, I’d like to do a version of that, but since May is a long way off, I think I’ll take a cue from German blogging community of sewists. Many hold “Me Made Mittwoch”, which means Me Made Wednesday. The only problem is that the title is…

Refashioned felt vest: Making my own buttons

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I went to buy buttons yesterday for the vest and they were too expensive. I want 10 buttons, and the cheapest, most boring little buttons there cost 85 cents each (the ones I wanted were €1.45 each, but I’m not spending €14.50 on buttons when the rest of the vest cost nothing!). I decided to cover my own buttons, and when I say this, I mean sew covers over buttons lying around at home…